What is sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is treatment for veins in which a sclerosing solution is injected into the veins causing them to seal shut. Sotradecol® is the primary solution used at the Laura Ellis MD Skin Care & Vein Centre, PLLC and is the only FDA approved sclerosing agent in the US. The solution is injected into both the feeder veins and the spider veins.
How is Sotradecol different from hypertonic saline treatment?
To achieve the best results when treating spider veins; the "feeder" or reticular veins that have created the spider veins must be sclerosed in addition to treating the spider veins that you see on the skin's surface. Sotradecol® is used at a slightly stronger concentration to seal the larger feeder veins. Hypertonic saline generally becomes too diluted and is not able to seal these larger veins that cause spider veins.
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